Records Disposition Schedule for Student Evaluations of Faculty


May 27, 2004


Re: Records Disposition Schedule for Student Evaluations of Faculty

Dear Colleagues:

I am issuing the final campus policy on disposition of student evaluations of faculty. This policy is issued on an interim basis until such time as a UC-wide policy is issued.

Ladder Rank Faculty
1. Evaluations obtained during the review period of an approved major action (promotion, advancement to Step 6 or Above-scale) may be shredded upon successful completion of that action.

  • For promotion to Associate or Full Professor, shred evaluations when promoted except those obtained during and subsequent to the year in which the promotion review took place. For example, Assistant Professor undergoes promotion review during 2003-04; promotion is effective 7/1/04. Retain evaluations obtained during 2003-04 and not considered during the promotion review, and all subsequent evaluations until the next major action. If separated or retired, retain records three years past end date.

  • Retain all Professor evaluations until advancement to Step 6. When advanced to Step 6, shred evaluations obtained since promotion to full Professor except those obtained during and subsequent to the year in which the Step 6 review took place. For example, Professor undergoes review for Step 6 during 2003-04; advancement is effective 7/1/04. Retain evaluations obtained during 2003-04 and not considered during the Step 6 review, and all subsequent evaluations until the next major action. If separated or retired, retain records three years past end date.

2. Where summaries of teaching evaluations are used, the raw student evaluation data and open-ended responses may be discarded after three years.

Temporary Teaching Titles (e.g., visiting, adjunct-excluding Unit 18)
Same as above, as appropriate.

Student Teaching Titles
Retain all evaluations three years after separation from student status.

Unit 18 Titles
Retain evaluations obtained during "pre-six-year status" 3 years past advancement to Continuing Appointment status. Retain evaluations obtained during Continuing Appointment status 3 years after their use in a merit review. At the time of separation or retirement, retain existing evaluations for 3 years.

Office of Record
The department or college that offers the course is the Office of Record for student evaluations of faculty.

I appreciate the thoughtful comments that respondents provided during the formal review period for this policy.


Barbara J. Brogan
Assistant Vice Chancellor
Academic Human Resources

cc: Interim Campus Provost/Executive Vice Chancellor Delaney

Committee on Academic Personnel
Academic Senate Chair Galloway
Academic Personnel Coordinators
Department Managers
Director Piotrowski, University Information Asset Management
Manager Listmann, Labor Relations