Unit 18 Faculty - Statement of Interest for Reappointment

In accordance with Article 7a of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the following procedure applies only to Pre-Six Unit 18 Faculty who would like to be considered for reappointment immediately following a current appointment.

To be assessed or reviewed and considered for reappointment prior to external Unit 18 applicants, Pre-Six Unit 18 Faculty must submit a Statement of Interest and a current CV to their department, program, or college administrator* by the appropriate deadline below, or within thirty (30) days from the date on which the appointment letter was transmitted to you, whichever is later. If you are uncertain about your deadline, please contact your department, program, or college.

If you have appointments in multiple departments, you must submit individual forms to each department/program/college in which you are requesting reappointment. Requested courses and/or assigned duties should be addressed to each unit separately.

Access the Statement of Interest form

Table of deadlines for submitting interest in reappointment.

Unit 18 Appointment in the same department, program, or college.

Deadline for those in an initial one-year appointment:

Deadline for those in a multi-year reappointment:

Full year assignment (Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters).

By October 15

By October 15 of the final year of the appointment.

Assignment begins in Fall quarter; may include an additional quarter. 

By October 15

Assignment begins in Winter quarter; may include Spring quarter as well. 

By February 1

Assignment is Spring quarter only.

By May 1


*Types of Unit Administrators: Department Manager, Program Manager, College Academic Manager