Recall Appointments

July 29, 2008

By Pamela G. Peterson, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel 

Dear Colleagues:

I write at this time to inform you of a recent notice received from UCOP regarding academic recall appointments. Effective immediately, "All Recall appointments including teaching, research, administrative work, and summer session, should not exceed 43% effort." \

The Chancellor must approve any Recall appointment greater than 43% and this authority may not be redelegated. The 43% is the maximum appointment percentage at any one time, not an annual average.

APO will be updating campus policy, which will be issued for your review in the near future. In the meantime, please insure that all recall appointments made from this point forward are at 43% or less. In situations where the recall must be greater than 43%, the file will need to move forward to the Chancellor for review and approval.

If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Furber at or x9-4779.