Document Inventory for Initial Appointment to Postdoctoral Scholar Titles
UCSC-APO: 9/17
Postdoctoral Scholar-Employee (TC3252); Postdoctoral Scholar-Paid Direct (TC3254); Postdoctoral Scholar-Fellow (TC3253); and Interim Postdoctoral Scholar-Employee (TC3256)
To Division:
Name: |
Proposed Title: |
Department/Unit: |
P.I./Faculty Mentor: |
Annual Salary Rate | Effective Dates* |
*The initial appointment of a postdoctoral scholar on any campus in the UC system must be for at least 1 year, unless they are a new UCSC PhD who needs to complete an existing project from their graduate program before moving on to other employment [see Art. 2.B.4] |
% Time*: *<100% requires exception | Primary Work Location: |
Total number of months of prior postdoctoral service at any institution: | |
Proposed UC Experience Level: |
Grant/Fellowship Name(s): |
Account Number(s): |
Funding End Date(s): |
P.I. Authorizing Signature(s):_______________________________________________________________________________________ |
Prior and/or Concurrent UC Employment: Yes No ; if yes, state location, dates, title(s): |
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Recruitment Compliance Verification : Search # __________________ or Exemption Category _________ | |
Concurrence of Department Chair or Unit Head |
P.I./Faculty Mentor Letter of Evaluation This letter should include biographical information about the candidate and a description of proposed duties. | |
Verification of Outside Salary (if Paid Direct or Fellow) Must include a copy of the granting documents outlining the terms and conditions of the Fellowship. Total salary must meet the minimum required by the UCSC Postdoctoral Scholar Table of Pay Rates. |
Benefits Funding Information (if Paid Direct or Fellow) | |
Extramural Letters (optional) Sample copy of solicitation letter |
OR Explanation in P.I./Faculty Mentor letter of how extramural letters were obtained (e.g. candidate solicited, unsolicited) |
Candidate's Optional Statement | |
Unsolicited Material (optional) | |
Cumulative Biobibliography (number and asterisk any publications submitted) | |
Publications (optional) | |
Candidate's address for correspondence: This box has a limit of 5 lines |