Issued APM and CAPM Policies and Procedures

Effective Date Policy # Description
06/06 CAPM 604.340 Continuing Educator Series
04/06 CAPM 900.700 Leaves of Absence
08/05 CAPM 412.000 Career Equity Review
06/05 CAPM 410.220 Promotion
04/05 CAPM 404.220 Ad Hoc Review Committee Requirements
03/05 CAPM 401.220 Instructions for Soliciting Letters
03/05 CAPM 003.150 Corrective Action and Dismissal
03/05 CAPM 002.015 Procedures for Implementation of University Policy on Faculty Conduct and Administration of Discipline
03/05 CAPM 008.140 Non-Senate Academic Grievance Procedure
03/05 CAPM 306.240 Appointment of College Provosts and Acting College Provosts
03/05 CAPM 308.240 Duties and Responsibilities of College Provosts
03/05 CAPM 310.240 Guidelines for Review of College Provosts
03/05 CAPM 600.311 Project Scientist Series
03/05 CAPM 600.310 Professional Research Series
10/04 CAPM 004.145 Campus Procedure for Layoff and Involuntary Reduction in Time of Non-Senate Academic Appointees
08/04 APM 137 Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Term Appointment
07/04 CAPM 514.285 Lecturer with Security of Employment Series
06/04 CAPM 803.620 Off-Scale Salaries
06/04 CAPM 100.500 Academic Recruitment Procedures
05/04 Records Disposition Schedule for Student Evaluations of Faculty
04/04 CAPM 516.000 Unit 18 & Lecturers without Salary
03/04 CAPM 005.137 Campus Procedures for Term Appointments of Non-Senate Academic Appointees
01/04 APM 035 The changes incorporate the addition of "gender identity" as a protected status under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. Discrimination on the basis of pregnancy is included within the category of discrimination based on "sex." The term "pregnancy" has been added to these notices to facilitate understanding of University policy in this regard.
11/03 CAPM 520.265 Campus Procedures for Appointment to Endowed Chairs
10/03 APM 758 Benefits and Privileges- Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves with Pay
10/03 APM 740 Benefits and Privileges - Sabbatical Leave
09/03 APM 010 This new statement on academic freedom for faculty supersedes the previous APM - 010
08/03 APM 015 Revised Part II, Section A, sets forth ethical principles and unacceptable conduct with regard to faculty members engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with students.
08/03 APM 310 Revision emphasizes appointees to the Professional Research series are equivalent to ladder-rank faculty in research, engage in independent research, with campus approval can function as Principal Investigators, and have the major responsibility for their research programs.
08/03 APM 311 APM 311 adds the Project (e.g., Scientist) as a new research series for appointees who make significant and creative contributions to a research program in any academic discipline. Appointees are not required to carry out independent research and would not normally serve as Principal Investigators.
08/03 APM 620 Revised APM 610-14 adds the Professor of Clinical (e.g.,Medicine) series and the Project (e.g.Scientist) series as eligible for off-scale salaries.
07/03 APM 390 Postdoctural Scholars
03/03 APM 715 Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave
01/03 CAPM 322.375 Academic Coordinator Series
01/03 CAPM 322.000 Academic Coordinator-University Extension
10/02 APM 190 Policy on Reporting and Investigating Allegations of Suspected Improper Governmental Activities (Whistleblower Policy)
Policy for Protection of Whistleblowers from Retaliation and Guidelines for Reviewing Retaliation Complaints (Whistleblower Protection Policy)
07/02 CAPM 012.025 Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members
    Implementation of APM 025, Q&A
    Implementation of APM 025, Q&A—Addendum
    Prior Approval Form
    Annual Reporting Form
07/02 CAPM 400.220 Professor Series - Section H revised (deadlines)
07/02 CAPM 407.690 Overlapping Steps
07/02 CAPM 803.620 Off-scale Salaries
07/02 CAPM 804.620 Calculating Normal Merits for those with Off-Scale Salaries - Policy Rescinded
04/02   Merit Equity Review Process

APM 600
Appendix 9

Guidelines on By Agreement Appointments for Academic Appointees
02/02 CAPM 306.240 Appointment of College Provosts and Acting College Provosts
02/02 CAPM 308.240 Duties and Responsibilities of College Provosts
02/02 CAPM 310.240 Guidelines for Review of College Provosts
01/02 APM 025 Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members
01/02 APM 016 University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline
01/02 APM 015 The Faculty Code of Conduct
11/01 CAPM 002.015 Revision to Campus Procedures for Implementing the Policy on Faculty Conduct and Administration of Discipline
08/01 CAPM 500.205 Recall Appointments
07/01 APM 025 Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members
07/01 APM 662
Appendix B1 and B2
Additional Compensation/Additional Teaching
07/01 APM 740-19 Leaves of Absence/Sabbatical Leaves
07/01 APM 375 Appointment and Promotion, Academic Coordinator Titles APM 375, Appendix A and associated salary scales; local UCSC Procedures Under Revision
07/01 CAPM 314.245 Compensation of Department Chairs
07/01 CAPM 312.245 Appointment, Duties, and Responsibilities of Department Chairs
04/01 APM 190
Appendix G
Program Description Retirement Contributions on Academic Appointee Summer Salary
04/01 APM 190
Appendix E
Salary Differential Housing Allowance Program