Revised Process for Dean Authority Senate Appointments

January 17, 2018

By George Blumenthal, Chancellor 


Dear Colleagues:

Re: Revised Process for Dean Authority Senate Appointments

I write to announce a change in the review procedures for senate appointment files that fall under your authority, which are currently appointments to Assistant Professor, steps 1-3, up to the annual salary rate for Associate Professor, step 4. Effective immediately, the Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP) will waive their review of these actions when there are no dissenting votes by the Bylaw 55 voting faculty.

CAP review will continue to be required for all other senate appointment actions.

Academic personnel policy allows for such abbreviation of the personnel review process (see APM 220- 80.k and 220-82.a). Both CAP and I support this change in procedure, with the understanding that CAP may at any future time determine that CAP review should be reinstated. In addition, in order to help assess the functionality of this new process, CAP will be provided with a quarterly report, which will provide relevant data on all new dean authority appointments including rank, step, and salary.

If you have any questions, please contact the Academic Personnel Office at


George Blumenthal




CAP Chair Freccero
Campus Provost Tromp
Academic Personnel Office
Department Chairs
Department Managers
Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators
Academic Senate Office