Delegation of Authority- Supplementation of Salaries Capped by NIH

April 11, 2000

By John B. Simpson, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor 

Dear Colleagues:

Effective immediately, I hereby delegate to the Deans the authority to approve salary supplementation for faculty with NIH-capped salaries. Supplementation (i.e., pay above the capped level) can not be charged to another federal award. The supplementation may be charged to a privately sponsored award only when specifically allowed by the private sponsor. University policy also prohibits the use of State sppropriations, including general (19900) funds, to pay for salary above the capped level.  Unrestricted funds, including gift funds and health sciences compensation plan funds, may be used to make up the amount not chargeable to NIH due to the salary cap. Payment should be made as a stipend using Title Code 3998.

Questions concerning supplementation may be directed to the Academic Human Resources Office.


John B. Simpson

Campus Provost and 

Executive Vice Chancellor