Non-senate Waiver of Recruitment Process Enhancement

June 25, 2024




Dear Colleagues:

I am enthused to inform you that the process for submitting and approving non-senate waivers of recruitment will be streamlined.

Effective August 1, 2024, all non-senate waivers of recruitment will be initiated via an intuitive process in UC Recruit at The multi-level approval workflow in UC Recruit closely reflects other processes that our campus currently uses. This long awaited process enhancement has been tested and refined by nearly 30 campus volunteers in recent months.

On July 1, 2024, the UC Recruit waiver functionality will be live and the Academic Personnel Office website will feature non-senate waiver of recruitment process instructions and other helpful documentation. You are welcome to begin processing non-senate waivers with the new workflow at that time, and by no later than August 1st.

In the meantime, the Academic Recruitment Team invites you to attend one of the live demonstrations of the forthcoming non-senate waiver of recruitment process enhancement. Mark your calendars for:

Waivers in UC Recruit Demonstration #1

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Waivers in UC Recruit Demonstration #2

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Please share this announcement and demonstration invitation widely with others in your unit who initiate or approve academic waivers of recruitment. If you are unable to attend, please consider sending another representative from your team.



Grace McClintock

Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Cc:  Academic Personnel Office

        Department Managers

        Divisional Academic Personnel Coordinators

Divisional Academic Human Resources Staff

Recruit User Experience Group

        College Academic Managers