Ladder-Rank Academic Personnel Reviews

June 28, 2012

By Dana Takagi, Committee on Academic Personnel 
By Alison Galloway, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor  


Dear Colleagues:

As another academic year comes to a close, we write to provide you with some information to assist you in preparing ladder-rank review files for the 2012-13 year.

Mid-career Appraisals

First, we want to remind you that revisions to the campus policy on mid-career appraisals were issued on June 11, 2012. External solicitation letters will no longer be required for and shall not be included with mid-career reviews effective with 2012-13 review files.

Special Salary Practice

Faculty salaries continue to be of high importance to the campus. As you may recall, the campus began a special salary practice in 2008-09 to address faculty salaries. The purpose of this practice was to create a merit based system to raise the median off-scale salary amount by providing a greater range of possible salary increases. This practice was initially implemented on a three-year trial basis. As reported in the 2011 Annual Report of Faculty Salary Competitiveness, the campus has made gains in increasing faculty salaries. Last year it was announced that the campus would continue this practice for another three year period, through review year 2013-14.

Because there are different levels of criteria for each of the different salary options, it is very important that you provide clear information to justify and support your recommendation. For example, if you are recommending a greater-than-normal merit equivalent to $100 less than the next step based on outstanding teaching and service, provide examples for why teaching and service is outstanding.

On-line Student Evaluations of Instructors

Starting in the 2011-12 academic year, the campus implemented a new on-line process of soliciting student feedback of instructors. Some concern has been expressed about the possible impact on the number of evaluations submitted by students and the impact on the personnel review process. We understand that this is a new process and that there will be a period of transition; low return rates due to the new system will be taken into consideration. However, please keep in mind that student evaluation of instructors is only one measure of teaching performance. APM Policy [210-d (1)] provides details on additional measures of evaluating teaching performance.

CAP’s Request for Past Annotated Biobibliographies

On May 16, 2012, CAP issued a memo requesting that review files include a copy of the annotated research section of the biobibliography from the faculty member’s last review. This request was made to enable reviewers to better assess the record of accomplishments during the review period. Please note that only the annotated research section, not the entire biobibliography, needs to be submitted.

Upcoming Academic Personnel Review Workshops

In September and October, several workshops will be scheduled to assist both new and returning department chairs in understanding the ladder-rank review process including:

                        Ladder-rank Review Process for Department Chairs and Department Manager

                        CAP Chair and CP/EVC Meeting with Department Chairs and Department Managers

The announcement of the dates for these workshops will be sent out in the near future.

In addition, on September 21, 2012, Vice Provost of Academic Affairs Herbie Lee will sponsor a Boot Camp for new department chairs, which will provide an introduction to the myriad of issues that are the responsibilities of a department chair and an overview of key campus resources.

Your role as a department chair or dean is critical to the effective functioning of the campus, and we appreciate all you do to insure that the personnel review process is conducted in a timely and accurate manner. We hope your summer goes well, and we look forward to working with you in the new academic year.


Dana Takagi, Chair
Committee on Academic Personnel

Alison Galloway
Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor