Honorary Distinguished Professor Designation at UC Santa Cruz

August 27, 2008

By David S. Kliger, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor 

Dear Colleagues:

Consistent with our goal of recognizing outstanding Senate faculty in the professorial series, and in view of parallel practices on some other UC campuses, I am pleased to announce that Senate faculty at UCSC who have advanced to the Above Scale rank may use the honorary designation of “Distinguished Professor” in their communications if they choose.

As this is an honorary designation, it cannot be used on legal documents such as contract and grant applications that require an “official” title (i.e., a payroll title with a title code). However, the title “Distinguished Professor of X” may be included in the Honors/Awards section of biobibliographies, CVs, and biosketches, as well as in correspondence.

If you have any questions, please contact Assistant Vice Chancellor Pamela Peterson at pgpeters@ucsc.edu