Forwarding Publications with All Senate Faculty Review Files

October 08, 2008

By Maureen Callanan, Chair, Committee on Academic Personal 

Dear Colleagues:

As you may recall, the 2007-08 CAP requested that all Senate faculty personnel review files submitted to CAP be accompanied by the publications that were submitted by the candidate to the department for consideration. This included files for merit or reappointment actions. CAP was aware that forwarding publications beyond the department for merit or reappointment actions is optional under campus policy; however, it was the consensus of last year’s CAP that review of actual publications is important for all personnel review actions.

The current CAP membership continues to believe that it is important to review publications for all personnel actions and once again requests that publications be forwarded, as noted above. Divisions will be notified of any files submitted to CAP without publications, and review of those files will be held until the publications are received. This request is in effect for the 2008-09 academic year.

Thank you for working with your departments and divisional academic personnel coordinators to assure that all publications submitted by the candidate accompany the personnel review files.


Maureen Callanan, Chair
Committee on Academic Personnel