Dear Colleagues:
After several years in the review process, President Yudof has formally issued revised Academic Personnel Policy 220-18-b(4), Criteria for Advancement to Professor, Step VI, and to Professor, Above Scale. However, the President has provided campuses the authority to determine whether to implement the revised policy effective this academic year or next. Given that we are already some three months into 2008-09, I have determined that these revised criteria will be implemented on the Santa Cruz campus effective July 1, 2009.
President Yudof’s issuing memo states, “The revised policy seeks to strengthen and provide greater guidance on requirements for advancement, to provide greater understanding of the distinction between the criteria for advancement to Step VI and Above Scale, and to bring the policy in line with campus practices.” The revised criteria clarify the current expectations at UCSC for advancement at these two levels, and therefore, no significant change in the review process is anticipated as a result of these revisions.
The revised policy language is attached and underscored for your convenience, and the policy may be found online at: .
My expectation is that Department and Program Chairs will bring this information to the attention of Senate faculty members in their units as part of their responsibilities concerning academic personnel reviews. Please contact the Academic Personnel Office with any questions about this information.