Pre-Retirement Plans for Senate Faculty

May 03, 2011

By Alison Galloway, Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor 

Dear Colleagues: 

Following our recent discussions regarding pre-retirement planning for Senate faculty, I have determined that a single campuswide incentive plan is not a viable option at this time due to the lack of central funds and the specific needs and financial resources of each division.

In order to provide consistency across campus, below is a list of components that you may include when offering pre-retirement plans. Divisions may establish program guidelines using all or some of the options. Please note that pre-retirement agreements may only be discussed with faculty who are at least age 60 and who have 5 or more years of UCRP service credit.

1. Duration of Agreement: Pre-retirement agreements are made for one year and may be renewed or renegotiated annually thereafter when in the best interest of the campus and the faculty member. In limited circumstances pre-retirement agreements may be made for up to a three year period (unless restricted by policy). NOTE: Pending APM policy revisions may limit Recall appointments to one year, with annual reappointment.

2. Intent to Separate: Pre-retirement agreements must contain a section signed by the faculty member that attests to their intent to separate from the campus on a specific date. Please keep in mind that “separation” is distinct from “retirement.”

Post-retirement Incentives

3. Recall Appointments:

• Recall appointments may be made for teaching, research, or administrative service (or a combination of duties) and must be based on programmatic need, budgetary capacity, and continued successful performance of duties.

• Pre-retirement agreements must specify the course(s) to be taught or other services to be rendered and the rate of compensation.

• Recall appointments can begin no sooner than 30 days after the separation date.

• Recall appointments may be made with or without salary. Salary is negotiated and may be paid on a percent or by-agreement basis. In either case, monthly compensation cannot exceed 43 percent of the faculty member’s salary at the time of retirement augmented by any subsequent range adjustments.

4. Space: The Dean, in conjunction with the Chair, may approve an allocation of office and laboratory space for the term of the pre-retirement agreement. This may be shared space and is subject to availability. Space under a pre-retirement agreement does not involve any campus augmentation of current departmental space.

5. Computer Retention and IT and Software Support: Pre-retirement agreements may grant the continued use of a University-purchased computer with IT and software support consistent with department and division policy for the length of the pre-retirement agreement.

6. Research Administrative Support: Participating faculty may receive continued grant administration and research accounting support for the term of the pre-retirement agreement.

7. Research Funding: Deans may provide research funds for use during the length of the agreement.

Pre-retirement Incentive

8. Summer Ninths: As part of a pre-retirement agreement, Deans may provide summer salary for specific research or administrative assignments to be performed in the summer prior to the separation date. For example, summer salary may be provided to help faculty conclude unfinished research that is delaying retirement or to utilize the faculty’s expertise in endeavors such as curriculum development or fundraising.

Limiting pre-retirement agreements to these options without dictating a single campuswide plan will provide campus consistency while allowing for divisional flexibility. For detailed information on the options, please contact Pamela Peterson ( in the Academic Personnel Office.


Alison Galloway

Campus Provost and

Executive Vice Chancellor