Outside Activities Tracking System (OATS)

Welcome to the OATS portal page.

OATS supports the required collection, review, approval, and annual reporting of the outside professional activities subject to University policy.

Click here to login to OATS


Questions? Trouble logging in? Email oats@ucsc.edu

What is OATS?

The Outside Activities Tracking System (OATS) is a multi-campus collaboration intended to facilitate the collection, review, and reporting of faculty outside professional activities that are subject to the University of California's Conflict of Commitment policies: APM 025, APM 240, APM 246. 

OATS replaced the previous APM 025 annual reporting forms and the paper-based prior approval processes. The web-based application has helped to increase understanding around the University's conflict of commitment policies, support compliance requirements, and improve reporting capabilities.

Accounts are automatically generated and campus users login via the UCSC OATS portal with their CruzID and gold password. Questions regarding your OATS account can be sent to oats@ucsc.edu.

The following requests and reporting will be routed through OATS for review and approval:

• Requests to engage in an APM 025 Category I activity
• Requests to involve students in an outside professional activity
• Enter Category II activities
• Record time engaged in APM 025 Category I and II activities
• Annually certify outside professional activities that are subject to APM 025, 240, and 246

The annual reporting period is July 1 through June 30. Senate faculty, adjunct professors with appointments greater than 50%, and deans and full-time faculty administrators are required to certify and submit their activities by September 30.

Visit the Resources page to access training dates and materials.

For more information about the initiative and project, visit the UC OATS website. You can also watch the two-minute UC OATS Introduction video.