Rights of All Academic Appointees in the University
The Checklists to Assure Fairness have been designed to ensure the following rights are protected:
- The right that the University maintain records containing information pertaining to individuals only to the extent necessary and relevant for official University purposes
- The right to privacy with respect to such records maintained by the University
- The right to have access to non-confidential documents in such records, and the right to obtain a redacted copy of confidential academic review records.
- The right to request corrections of fact or deletions of errors in such records and to make additions to such records
- The right of individuals to contribute meaningfully to the review process in academic personnel actions affecting them
- The right that final administrative decisions concerning appointment, promotion, merit increase, appraisal, reappointment, non-reappointment, and terminal appointment be based solely upon relevant materials contained in individuals' personnel review files
- The right to have safeguards in the academic personnel process, including an effective grievance mechanism, which will provide opportunity for inquiry into alleged procedural improprieties in that process